Victoria's Secret Kiss Fragrance Body Mist (250ML)
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A seductive warm fragrance for women that envelopes your senses in the sheer warmth and delivers a comforting feel. The fragrance is a fine amalgamation of sultry amber notes with lovely crème anglaise so you get a scent that is sophisticated, enticing and hard to resist. Your new favourite accessory Victoria’s Secret body mist is refreshing and cool as they’re the perfect way to add a pop of fashion to your fragrance wardrobe. Now in a new bottle and totally irresistible scents—you’ll never stop at one. A sheer mist made to blend with your body easily and last for 6-7 hours.
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Shipping Policy -
We can ship to virtually any address in India. The product is shipped between 1-5 business days depending on the shipping option selected by you.
We don’t charge shipping cost for our standard delivery for orders worth over Rs. 1000. For, orders less than Rs. 1000 we levy standard shipping charges of Rs 99. For quicker delivery we provide an expedited shipping option for a charge of Rs 199. Such orders will still take 1 business days to be dispatched from our warehouse but will be delivered in 2-4 days post the dispatch. For orders for Tier-2 Cities and below, the delivery days might be extended.