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Jolen (Imported) Creme Bleach (Creme-113Gm + Accelerator-28Gm)
Jolen Cream Bleach is a facial cream bleach that is suitable for all skin types. This specially formulated skin bleach from Jolen will improve the fairness of your skin and make it look clearer and younger. The fast acting formula of the Jolen Bleach will help in getting an absolutely hair free look in no time without any painful procedures. You will not have to worry about in grown hair or about the hair re-growing as this Facial Bleach from Jolen will effectively lighten all the hair and give your skin a bright and light complexion.Signs of ageing like lines, dark spots, hyper-pigmentation and blemishes will be reduced to a great extent. You will be able to flaunt a fairer complexion using the Jolen Cr?me Bleach. Carefully read and follow the instructions on the leaflet provided with the Jolen Bleach before using it on your skin.
Returns Policy
Habbana offers its customers an ’Easy return policy’, wherein you can raise a return/exchange request of a product within 5 days of its delivery. We also accept partial returns wherein you can raise a return request for one or all products in your order.
Step 1: Contact our Customer Support team via email ( within 5 days of receiving the order.
Step 2: Provide us with your order ID details and your request to return/replace/refund your order. Kindly email an image of the product and the invoice for our reference.
Step 3: Courier the product to our warehouse. We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels and barcodes intact
For our complete return & refund policy please click here
Shipping Policy -
We can ship to virtually any address in India. The product is shipped between 1-5 business days depending on the shipping option selected by you.
We don’t charge shipping cost for our standard delivery for orders worth over Rs. 1000. For, orders less than Rs. 1000 we levy standard shipping charges of Rs 99. For quicker delivery we provide an expedited shipping option for a charge of Rs 199. Such orders will still take 1 business days to be dispatched from our warehouse but will be delivered in 2-4 days post the dispatch. For orders for Tier-2 Cities and below, the delivery days might be extended.